Miranda Lambert  on the May cover of 'Health Magazine' .  In the issue, Miranda discusses growing up on a farm and how she was able to separate what were her ‘farm pets’ and the animals that weren’t.  I can totally relate to this having grown up on a farm.  Miranda say’s in the issue “Dad would give us two rabbits as our pets, or  we’d have one pig we could name,”  She goes on to say “It sounds weird to other people, but I look at it like, there are some animals you feed and some animals feed you.”  That’s exactly how it was for us, we had horses that we fed and kept as pets and the rest of the animals we knew not to get emotionally involved in.  It was harder at a younger age, but we learned the circle of life as we grew older.  Also in the issue, Miranda talks about her parents working as private eyes and doing surveillance work, this article is an interesting read.   The May Issue is on stands now.

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