
Mick Jagger Became A Dad Today Again At 73-Years-Old! Mom Is Doing Great!
Mick Jagger Became A Dad Today Again At 73-Years-Old! Mom Is Doing Great!
Mick Jagger Became A Dad Today Again At 73-Years-Old! Mom Is Doing Great!
Congratulations, Mick! Here's something you don't see every day! Mick's great-grandson is older than his baby. Jagger became a dad today for the eighth time this morning. According to CBS: was on hand Thursday at a New York hospital when girlfriend, Melanie Hamrick,  29, gave birth to the couple’s son. According...
Too Cute!
Too Cute!
Too Cute!
Ever have a friend that you just look at each other and laugh for basically no reason at all? Well, these twins are built in best friends and you can't help, but laugh with them as they get a kick out of each other!  
Top Baby Names
What are cool and unique baby names? Nameberry just released the biggest and hottest baby names for 2015. This years top names were based on literary characters. Creator of Nameberry, Pamela Satran explained, Esme and Kai are both names we've seen quietly gathering steam over the past few years...
School Threatened With Lawsuit for Reading Book to Kids
School Threatened With Lawsuit for Reading Book to Kids
School Threatened With Lawsuit for Reading Book to Kids
This one may be a hot debate right now and we want to know what you think. In the year of 2015, where just about everyone was offended over something and threw a fit about it, one school is feeling just that way over this latest incident...
Top Baby Names 2015
Top Baby Names 2015
Top Baby Names 2015
If you're having a baby or your sister or best friend is expecting, pass on the list of most popular names of the year so far -- they may just come in handy. Noah, is the repeat champion of boys names from last year as well. U.S. girls 1...
Baby Burried
Baby Burried
Baby Burried
I'd rather watch a community come together to save this toddlers life then riot videos. This is a great example that no one can die without God's will. Prayer's out to Syria and may the fighting stop. God Bless this baby and all the other babies who are victim to horrible war...

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