funny video

Stealing Tickets
Stealing Tickets
Stealing Tickets
We've all been there.  You're at Chuck E. Cheese and there's a kid acting up.  You look around and their parents are NOWHERE to be found.  You want to say something but then,'s not your kid.
Brutally Honest
Brutally Honest
Brutally Honest
You remember the show "Kids Say The Darndest Things" right?  This is not that.  This is not a bunch of kids responding to adults questions.  It's kids just coming out with whatever is on their minds...and it's awesome.
Immediately Regrets It
Immediately Regrets It
Immediately Regrets It
I'm not exactly sure how fighting became acceptable in hockey but sometimes it's the most exciting part of the game.  Refs are supposed to be there to keep order and break up the fights - not be a part of them.
Little Girl's Laugh
Little Girl's Laugh
Little Girl's Laugh
There is nothing like the laughter of a child.  It can really brighten your day.  Watch as this little girl thinks her dad's story about snow is just "too punny".
Doggie Cartwheels
Doggie Cartwheels
Doggie Cartwheels
Dogs cannot do cartwheels.  But don't tell this pooch.  He sees his little human doing it with ease so he decides to give it a shot too.  I gotta give him credit for trying!
Penguins Vs. Rope
Penguins Vs. Rope
Penguins Vs. Rope
How could you not love penguins?  They're so cool!  Unless they're trying to get past a rope.  Then they struggle...a lot.  It's a daily distraction for you!
Gets Tossed Off!!
Gets Tossed Off!!
Gets Tossed Off!!
When you're on an ATV it's important to maintain control at all times.  That's something that's hard to do when you're blowing donuts in the snow.  Watch as this guy gets tossed!
With A Bear
With A Bear
With A Bear
To the best of my knowledge, animals don't often use logic.  They use their instincts to survive and that's what they do.  So if a bear is about to destroy your kayak, for example, you're not going to be able to "talk" him out of it. That'...
Live Jazz Band
Live Jazz Band
Live Jazz Band
When I was a kid my dad had lots of genius ways to get us out of bed when we were dragging.  I remember seeing him dump a whole salad bowl of snow on my brother.  He even used to take ball bearings that he would put in the freezer and toss them under the covers for us.  Those things will find you!
Selfie Mom
Selfie Mom
Selfie Mom
I'll never forget the day I offered to take a picture of someone who I thought was struggling to take a picture of them self at the mall.  At that time, I had never heard of a selfie.  Obviously, this was years ago.  Now, people are out of control with them.
Redneck Style!
Redneck Style!
Redneck Style!
It's almost that time of year.  Before you know it, we will be buying closing kits and calling it a season on our pools.  That is unless of course you decide to drain your pool redneck style.  It certainly seems to be a much quicker way to go about it...
The Fish Win
The Fish Win
The Fish Win
If you've ever fished, you know that somedays you get the better of the fish.  But other days, the fish get the best of you.  Watch as the fish out do the fisherman on this one...

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