Randy Travis

Randy's 'Amazing Grace'
Randy's 'Amazing Grace'
Randy's 'Amazing Grace'
Randy Travis is well on his way to a full recovery after suffering from a stroke nearly three years ago. On Feb. 3, he made what is reported to be his first public performance since his stroke in July of 2013.
5 Lessons Learned From Randy Travis
5 Lessons Learned From Randy Travis
5 Lessons Learned From Randy Travis
Randy Travis' 56 years have brought a catalog of hits and life lessons. The singer had help pulling himself out of a trouble during his formative years in North Carolina, and again when it was time to begin recovery from a devastating stroke. His music brings peace, but his story brings guidance.
Randy Travis' Name Removed
Randy Travis' Name Removed
Randy Travis' Name Removed
Randy Travis' hometown of Marshville, NC made some changes when they put up a new sign welcoming people into their town. One of the changes was removing Randy Travis from the sign. The old welcome sign read "Marshville, Home of Randy Travis & Country Living," while the new one essentially just welcomes you to the town with "Welcome to Marshville, North Carolina". ... Read M

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