Earlier today we posted that New Jersey high school student Kevin McGuire asked Taylor Swift to be his date for his senior prom.

So, what was her answer??

Unfortunately Taylor cannot make it to the June 1st prom (also his birthday) due to prior commitments.

Instead, Taylor has invited Kevin to be her date at the ACM Awards in Las Vegas in April.

Kevin is not your typical high school student, Kevin was diagnosed with Leukemia when he was 13 years old. On April 24, 2010 Kevin won the battle with cancer. Unfortunately he did not win the war and relapsed and is fighting cancer for a second time. His older sister started a Facebook page to ask Taylor to be his prom date. It started out with a few followers and now has nearly 100,000.

Just one more reason to love Taylor Swift. She truly is a class act and a great role model for everyone.

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