Staff Writer

Dog Blissfully Sliding Down the Snow Has Life Figured Out
For all the havoc snow can wreak, it can also bring so much joy.

Brother Pulls A-Plus Joke By Replacing Sister’s Goldfish With Carrots
We're still a few weeks away from April Fool's Day, but this kid is ready.

Student Proves to Cop He’s Sober With Amazing Juggling Show
Know when to say "Wow!"

PooPerch Solves the Nightmare of Where to Put Your Phone in the Bathroom
A dilemma we all face could be a thing of the past.

Survey Reveals Best Country in the World for 2017 (Hint: It Ain’t the US)
Donald Trump may want to make America the greatest again.

Semi-Truck Slams Onto Police Car Because of 90-Mile-Per-Hour Winds
This is what you'd call a wind-wind situation.

Flowers or Chocolate? Google Sheds Light on What America Prefers on Valentine’s Day
When it comes to what we want for this most romantic of days, the answer is clear.

Woman Wins Fight Against Stupidest Parking Ticket in History
Justice is blind. It's also sympathetic.

Man, 75, Wins Hearts With Sweet Ad Seeking Fishing Buddy
Get ready to say "Awww."

Dying Teen Fires Taser to Cross Item Off Bucket List
Tasering isn't something to be taken lightly.

January 2017’s Best Fails Are an Exercise in Hilarious Disaster
Think you have problems? You'll feel better about your lot in life after watching this.

McDonald’s Big Mac ATM Lets You Order Without Any Pesky Employees Getting Involved
McDonald's is taking a big step in the evolution of fast food.