Buffalo Recycling Program Sets A Record
Just a few years ago when asked I’m sure there were many people in the Buffalo area that would say they didn’t recycle. Today Major Brown announced that the City of Buffalo residents recycled more than 1,000 tons of materials this March which is record setting for the ‘Buffalo Green Cart Recycling Program’.
That’s terrific. Seems Buffalonians have embraced recycling. Bigger carts and the expanded list of items that can be recycled probably hasn’t hurt either I’m sure. Buffalo rolled out more than 70,000 recycling carts, beginning in December 2011. Curbside collection was supposed to go bi-weekly March First, but due to the immediate increase in participation and early success of the program, the city continues to collect recyclable items on a weekly basis.
I started serious recycling regularly when I moved in to my house about 7 years ago. It can actually be fun and addictive organizing the items to recycle; I’m a recycling dork which is by the way a good thing to be. The trick for the city is to make it easy for folks to recycle and it seems they are on the right path.