Cashless Tolls Start Thursday Night On Grand Island
After years of talking about going completely cashless on the Grand Island Bridges the day is almost here. Starting THIS Thursday night (March 29) the cashless tolls will "go live" on the Grand Island bridges. This means that on the Friday morning commute the bridges will no longer be accepting cash.
Governor Cuomo said this of the transition,
"By transitioning the Grand Island barriers to cashless tolling we will be saving time and easing congestion, allowing drivers to get where they need to go quicker and more efficiently."
Right now there is a push for people who do not have E-ZPasses to purchase them to make travel a little easier. However, if you do not have an E-ZPass you will still be able to travel on the bridges.
"Vehicles with E-ZPass tags are automatically charged. Non-E-ZPassvehicles have their license plates recorded and a bill is mailed to the registered owner of each vehicle in approximately 30 days. Customers who pay using Tolls ByMail will pay the same toll rate as previously paid by cash customers, and E-ZPass customers with New York accounts will continue to get a five percent discount. The cash rate for the toll will remain $1."
TIP: If you don't have an E-ZPass make sure your address is current on your license and registration so the bill gets to you to pay it! If not, you could see a suspension for unpaid tolls.
Until the transition is complete vehicles will still pass through the toll booths at reduced speeds. Keep your eyes on the roadsigns for changes in traffic pattern.
You can read more about the project and cashless tolls through out the state HERE.
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