Does New York Track Gun Purchases Using Credit Cards?
Does New York State track residents' gun purchases on their credit cards? There is a big divide over guns in America. New York State had some of the strictest gun ownership laws before the U.S. Supreme Court struck many of them down as unconstitutional.
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While many people in New York celebrate being able to own a gun legally, there are still barriers in place. Unlike many southern states, New York has continued to pass laws making firearm ownership more difficult since the Supreme Court ruling.
New York State Residents Who Want A Gun Don't Need To Disclose Social Media
New York passed its "Concealed Carry Improvement Act" and many gun owners were unhappy with it. According to Fox News, a three-judge panel deemed parts of the law unconstitutional. The portion of the law that requires want-to-be gun owners to reveal their social media accounts for review was struck down. The judges also ruled that the state cannot prohibit guns on private property that is accessible to the public and a restriction on carrying concealed weapons in churches and houses of worship.
Does Your Credit Card Track Your Gun Charges?
In New York, the answer is YES! Many 'Red States' prohibit credit cards from applying special codes to credit card purchases for guns. New York, however, requires a separate code for gun purchases. Senate and Assembly bills S8479A/A9862, which was signed into law by Governor Kathy Hochul, "Requires payment card networks to use certain merchant category-codes for firearm dealers." This allows the state to track firearm purchases made by credit card.
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So, if you live in New York State and purchase a gun or ammo with your credit card, there is a way to track your purchase.