A British reporter doing a segment on sexual harassment proved her point in spades.

Sarah Teale was doing a report on sexual harassment for the BBC when someone on the street made some obscene remarks to her while the camera was rolling.

In the clip, Teale says:

An online study showed that a shocking 95% of people said they had been harassed, jeered at, or had obscenities shouted at them in the street and a large proportion said they'd also been groped or grabbed inappropriately in public."

Shortly after that, a man makes his disparaging remark, which is bleeped out. Teale then says, "Yeah, like that."

BBC journalist Sarah Teale gets sexual obscenities shouted at her while filming a report about harassment of women...

Posted by BBC Radio Nottingham on Friday, September 25, 2015

Teale was genuinely disturbed by the incident. "It's not banter, it's not funny and no-one should have to put up with it," she said.

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