
Theme Songs
Theme Songs
Theme Songs
TV theme songs used to be great!  We used to wait all week just to hear our favorite shows starting.  Now, with computers and on demand video, we can watch just about any show - any time.  But back then, we used to live to hear these songs.  Think you know them?  Take this quiz.
Remember Him?
Remember Him?
Remember Him?
Rob made me feel really old this morning when he didn't know who Teddy Ruxpin was. Teddy was the first version of the iPad. You could hand this to your kid and not have to read the a bedtime story. When we were kids we thought it was the coolest to take Teddy Ruxpin under our bed to hear the stories...
Kevin Bacon Promotes ’80s Awareness in New Video
Kevin Bacon Promotes ’80s Awareness in New Video
Kevin Bacon Promotes ’80s Awareness in New Video
Millennials. They're everywhere. The debate rages on. Sides are taken over how to define this upcoming batch of semi-adults. Some see them as whiny, self-entitled egomaniacs, while others see them as ambitious go-getters who are willing to rewrite the rules to get what they want.
What’s Behind the ’80s Rock Revival in Country Music?
What’s Behind the ’80s Rock Revival in Country Music?
What’s Behind the ’80s Rock Revival in Country Music?
Country curmudgeons looking to blame hip-hop for what they see as the fall of country music have it wrong. Sure, acts like Brantley Gilbert and Jason Aldean are quick to drop rappers alongside country legends when listing influences, but it’s the aggressive, unapologetically loud guitar riffs of the ‘80s that are truly shaping the format today.
What's Your Choice?
What's Your Choice?
What's Your Choice?
The other day, my friends and I got together, and we started talking about some of the incredible toys that we had as kids. We brought up everything from M.U.S.C.L.E.S. Wrestler figures to pogo balls, and everything in between. Somebody said, “Wouldn’t it be cool if you could have one of those toys mailed to your house?”
Brett Alan’s Top 5 Favorite Candy From The 80’s and 90’s
Brett Alan’s Top 5 Favorite Candy From The 80’s and 90’s
Brett Alan’s Top 5 Favorite Candy From The 80’s and 90’s
When I was growing up, I didn't spend my money on toys. I could never wait that long to save up enough. However, when I did get an extra couple bucks, I'd make my way to the EZ Shop in Springville and load up on sugar. Remember some of these candies from the 90's? ...
Classic 80s TV Show Intros [VIDEO]
Classic 80s TV Show Intros [VIDEO]
Classic 80s TV Show Intros [VIDEO]
So I was watching TV today and I caught a commercial for Old Navy. It was for their summer dresses and they had a girl on it named Mayim Bialik from the TV Show Blossom. As I continued to watch they showed Joey Lawrence who played her brother in the tv series...