Airlines are doing everything they can to limit flight attendant contact with passengers to avoid spreading COVID19. This might include eliminating alcohol sales.
As fuel costs are low, one U.S. Senator has made a public statement to ask airlines to stop charging for baggage fees as summer travel gets underway. In recent weeks, there have been reports of long line and pile-ups at TSA checkpoint lines and in part, it is because travelers cram as much as they can in carry on bags to avoid extra bag charges from the airlines...
Southwest continuously ranks as one of the top airlines in the industry. They have a completely different, almost laid back approach that is not the norm in the friendly skies. One of my favorite parts of flying Southwest is always the safety speech...
I am a frequent flyer. I love flying! I can honestly say that the times I have flown, though, I have barely listened to what the flight attendant was saying.
With most of my family living out on the West Coast, I have to get on an airplane every once in a while to pay a visit, and boy, things have changed from when I first went out there.
Once what was a fun way to travel has become torture for me. I hate it. If I could drive there in a reasonable amount of time, I would. It’s just a huge hassle, and it starts at the security gates, but that’s for anot
Planning to take a trip anywhere this summer? Unless you’ve got a huge bank account you might want to consider driving. Airline fees continue to climb. You might be able to find a nice fare, but boy are you going to be socked with fees.
Just a few weeks ago United changed the fee for changing a discount fare from $150 to $200. American, Delta and U.S. Airways matched it.
I have to be honest...when I'm thousands of feet in the air, the last thing I'm thinking of is food or the quality of food being served. Most of my trips are short enough that the meal consists of peanuts, a beverage and trail mix...or whatever they hand out now. OK, maybe an alcoholic beverage or
The past few years I have spent less and less time on airplanes than in the past. It's usually because I am sending my kids somewhere they need to go. I have been flying my daughter to different cities to look at colleges and I have been flying my son out of state from time to time to look at job opportunities...