Animals are weird. If you have one they at least do one weird thing that you're pretty sure no other animal does. Check out what happens when this dog realizes it can stand in the pool.
It looks like the bison could be representing more than just Buffalo soon. On Tuesday the US House Of Representatives voted to designate the American Bison as the 'National Mammal of the United States of America'.
According to a USA Today article:
"If the measure is passed by the Senate and signed by the President, the bison will be on equal level with that Bald Eagle, which is the nation’s o
It might not be Friday, but this will make you enjoy Thursday a little more. Puppies can fix any mood, especially when they're going down a slide. They just keep coming!
This is Peppa Lass and she is a Nigerian Edward. Her owners say she loves dresses up and posing for the camera so they thought they would dress for the crowd and go 'Frozen'. So here she is as Elsa...
So this is a thing.... ...
I know that cats, like kids, love boxes! Don't spend gobs of money on nice things because they'll just love the box more. I also know that cats seem to be able to fit in any size box...they be crazy. However, I have never seen anything like this cats entrance into a box...
While the rest of the world is having meltdowns about the living conditions in Sochi, Russia, the host of the 2014 Winter Olympics, let's take a look at this latest trend that is happening among the people of Russia.