Scams happen every day. Sadly, the reason that so many are still happening is that they're still working. Here are some to look for that happen here in WNY.
Scams happen every day. Sadly, the reason that so many are still happening is that they're still working. Here are some to look for that happen here in WNY.
I feel like in the last few weeks the scammers have upped their game. This is the last week that the robocalls are allowed to harass you so the scammers have turned to text messages. The Better Business Bureau is warning you to be diligent about the texts you receive and to never click the link they provide.
Looking for a good deal on Buffalo Sabres hockey jerseys and other gear? was not the place to go and unfortunately some Sabres fans found out the hard way. By Federal Court order, the Buffalo Sabres and NHL working with the Better Business Bureau of Upstate New York have successfully been able to shut down the scam website which was billing itself as the "Official Onlin