Are you a Beatles fan? I grew up with the Fab Four. My two favorite Beatles are John Lennon and Ringo Starr. I never got a chance to see them play together, but I have seen Ringo Starr before. He is an extraordinary performer. He is funny and entertaining and everything you would expect Ringo to be...
Sugarland kicked off their ‘In Your Hands tour’ last week and make a stop tonight and tomorrow night at the Fallsview Casino and it promises to be a great show. The duo has included fans by letting them help pick their set list via Twitter and online. I think it’s cool when artists include fans in the show and with social media explosion it must be so much easier for artists to get instant feedb
Friday night I saw Kelly Clarkson at the Fallsview Casino and was totally impressed with her show. Kelly is most definitely one of the best singers out there, I mean this girl can SING. Plus she’s very personable with her audience and actually very funny. I expected her to come out and just blast through her 19 hit singles without much banter between them, but I was pleasantly surprised by her