Just when I thought I couldn't have a celeb crush anymore....wrongo.
You're welcome.
“@OpreaFitness: Check out @carrieunderwood killin it on her pull-ups today!! Awesome job! pic.twitter.com/uqRRvr5yiH” Yeah, baby!!!
— Carrie Underwood (@carrieunderwood) April 2, 2014
Working out is not easy for everyone. Not everybody lives at the gym and some of those machines are pretty confusing. And lets give credit where credit is due. These people aren't on their couch. They're trying to live a healthier life. But watching them do it, is pretty funny sometimes.
Every week, Coach Rick Scarpulla answers questions from readers and gives advice about strength training and fitness. This week, we had a question of our own, so we asked Rick "what are the biggest mistakes people make in the gym?" He pointed out the three most common and suggestions on how to fix those errors fast...
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I always wondered why kids weren't allowed around gym equipment unless supervised by a parent or one who is over the age of 18. I realize the weights can injure a child, but I didn't realize the big bouncy balls could too!!!
If your New Year's resolution was to get back that highschool body by really pushing yourself at the gym, you may want to ease into it. Experts say that pushing it too hard too early at the gym could lead to a disasterous outcome.