People are beginning to stock their shelves with candy to appease the ghosts and goblins that will be coming to their door. But are they stocking the right candy?
People are beginning to stock their shelves with candy to appease the ghosts and goblins that will be coming to their door. But are they stocking the right candy?
"It gets earlier every year," our intern exclaimed. I had just told her about seeing Halloween candy that is already available and on display at Tops! Is it too soon? surveyed over 400,000 people on their favorite halloween candy. Then, they divided the data by state to determine the favorites in each state.
You see our state? Sweet Tarts? Sweet TARTS! Is that for real? Maybe you like Sweet Tarts and that's cool, but I feel like that's the filler candy for trick-or-treaters...
You might be interested to know the history of some of the things you might find in your kids' candy bags tonight or you might be giving out to the kids who come to your door.
I’ve been putting off buying my trick or treat Halloween candy because I always buy my favorites and I’ll eat some before the kids hit my door step. Growing up in the country we didn’t have a multitude of houses to visit but the good thing was most of the houses were people we knew or relatives of ours and that meant we would collect some good loot.
Some of the things you might find in your kids candy bag tonight or you might be giving out to the kids who come to your door.
M & M’s – the Mars Candy Company introduced them in 1941 in response to a dip in chocolate sales during the summer. The hard candy coating prevented the chocolate from melting in the warm temperatures. They introduced Peanut M & M’s in 1954.