Who wants to see the dinosaurs coming to Buffalo? There will be 70 life-sized dinosaurs that will interact and roar as you drive by right here in Western New York.
Your artists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should — which, in this case, is actually good for humanity because a massive open-shirted Jeff Goldblum statue has magically appeared in front of the Tower Bridge in London.
When all you care about is money, bad things happen. That’s the message of Jurassic World, where greedy theme-park executives hoping to spike attendance engineer the “Indominus Rex,” a genetically-modified dinosaur that immediately turns on its creators and runs amok. Designed as a cautionary tale about the dangers of building a meaner, badder monster purely for the sake of profits, Jurassic World works equally well as a cautionary tale about doing the same thing in movies. All of the rationalizations provided by Jurassic World’s employees — “Consumers want them bigger, louder, more teeth.” “Somebody’s gotta make sure this company has a future!” — could have been taken directly out of the mouths of the studio executives who approved this gene splice of a reboot and a sequel. Their creation — the Indominus or the movie, there’s basically no difference — is as advertised; huge, mean, and visually striking. But this experiment is not without consequences.
I have to admit that Sesame Street does really great parodies! I'm always impressed with how funny they are. Check out their latest project where Cookie Monster takes on the Jurassic Cookie!
There is a video making it's rounds on the internet that was created by a man and his daughter. It's a pretty impressive version of the blockbuster movie "Jurassic Park".
Released in 1993, ‘Jurassic Park’ is still one of the biggest movies of all-time and one of the best action-adventure movies of the blockbuster era. How is it that the visual effects in a movie from 1993 look better than most movies made today? You can find out about that, and all other things ‘Jurassic Park’ in the latest episode of You Think You Know Movies, which focuses on Steven Spielberg’s prehistoric classic. Hold on to your butts!
“You just went and made a new dinosaur? Probably not a good idea.”
And, there’s the ‘Jurassic Park 4’ trailer summed up for you in pretty much one exchange. While the previous ‘Jurassic Park’ films dealt with the folly of John Hammond’s original plans for the park, this new film imagines a world where Jurassic Park is now up and running. The kinks have been worked out. Raptors are trained. But, people are still people and that means they do really stupid things. Like create massive “hybrid” dinosaurs to goose attendance at their park.
Richard Attenborough, the actor who famously portrayed Professor John Hammond in the Steven Spielberg's 'Jurassic Park,' as well as the acclaimed director of 'Gandhi,' passed away this past Sunday.
Vincent D'Onofrio may be most widely recognized as the detective with some unorthodox techniques on 'Law & Order: Criminal Intent,' but he's ready to branch out into more sinister roles in playing the Kingpin in Marvel's 'Daredevil' Netflix series and, reportedly, a villain in 'Jurassic Park 4.' As the actor reminded me, he was known for his many bad-guy characters in his earlier career (for one, see 'Men in Black'), though newer generations will become acclimated with his darker side.