I've never seen anything like this before! It took me a realize to figure out if this was a baby shark or a fish... This is a Disney movie in the making!
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Everyone knows good ole Will Smith. Who doesn't remember the days of "The Fresh Prince of Bel -Air" or for all you hip-hop heads...DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince. LOL Maybe more of you associate Smith with "Men in Black" or "The Pursuit of Happiness"...either way, we know who the guy is. Unfortunately, this post/video will not show will in the best light. Per
For some, this may turn your stomachs. As for me, I just laughed. Imagine being in these students shoes during this pep rally...and this happens!! See for yourself!
I have always enjoyed the music of the rock band KISS. After seeing this Military Tribute from Gene Simmons of KISS, I must admit I have a whole new respect for this man. Keep our troops in your thoughts and prayers EVERYDAY! Godspeed.