You never want to forget your loved ones. Once they pass you try and do anything to remember every memory that you have had with that person.
You want to honor them in the best way possible and you may have thought of some of the more popular things people will do with their loved one's ashes: spread them out over the ocean or water, sprinkle them in their garden or at a tree when they plant a new
Anyone know these lovebirds?!
This awesome video found its way to Good Morning America! A man walked to where his wife was sitting and re-proposed to her as they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. So, they renewed their vows right then and there...
This picture demonstrates the power of people, faith and love.
A user on Facebook was at the drive-thru at a popular coffee and bagel shop when they saw this picture and put it up for all to see.
Dear Dutch Bros Coffee, snapped this picture while waiting in line at the Dutch Bros on 138th Avenue today...