There's nothing better than a fresh sweet maple treat in the spring and you can see how they're made next weekend. It's something every kid should see when they're little.
The first of two Maple Weekend events happens this weekend around New York State and it’s your chance to bring the family for all sorts of maple related fun! The Maple Producers of New York State work hard all year round to keep their trees, sap lines and sugar shacks ready for folks to see what goes in to making pure, sweet, delicious maple products!
One of the many sure signs of spring in Western New York is Maple Weekend. The same sugar maple trees that produce those brilliant red, gold and orange leaves in the fall produce some of the best maple syrup. According to the U-S Forest Service, there are more tappable maple trees in New York State than any other state in the country.
It's that time of year! One of the best family friendly weekends is upon us! This weekend (March 16-17) and next weekend (March 23-24), the many maple syrup producers around WNY will open their doors and sugar shanties to show people how the many maple products get from the woods to your table.