
Get SUPER CHEAP Trees + Shrubs From Erie County By Next Week
Get SUPER CHEAP Trees + Shrubs From Erie County By Next Week
Get SUPER CHEAP Trees + Shrubs From Erie County By Next Week
30 Christmas trees for only $33 10 Black Walnut Trees for only $18 You can get 30 River Birch, 30 Red Maples, or 30 White Oaks for only $51. If you were trying to start a Christmas farm, you could get 50 Balsam Fir for only $120. But, they also have "packs" available as well. For example You will get 2 of each of these - Shagbark Hickory, Northern Red Oak, Pin Oak, Swamp White Oak, Black Walnut.
Killer Whales
Killer Whales
Killer Whales
I saw this video this morning and thought it was just incredible and had to share it with you. I didn't realize that it was taken a few months ago, but I hadn't seen it until today. Even though it seems kind of brutal to watch these sea lions struggle for life, it's part of nature.
Buck Battle
Buck Battle
Buck Battle
I received an email yesterday that I wanted to share with you. It was a video posted to YouTube on December 3, 2013, and the email had the subject line: "This happens on a regular basis."