Neil Armstrong

God Bless Neil Armstrong
God Bless Neil Armstrong
God Bless Neil Armstrong
To many young people his name and his accomplishment is nothing more than just a footnote in history,  something that happened a long time ago.  But to me, it was something I experienced.  I lived it.  It caught the world's imagination and it was one of the greatest accomplishments in human history.
Kennedy’s Challenge To Land A Man On The Moon – Dale’s Daily Data
Kennedy’s Challenge To Land A Man On The Moon – Dale’s Daily Data
Kennedy’s Challenge To Land A Man On The Moon – Dale’s Daily Data
With the Soviet Union having put the first man in space just a month before it became a personal goal of President John F. Kennedy to send an American to the moon by the end of the decade of the 1960’s.  He made it a national priority and a mission he said all Americans would share, saying "it wouldn’t be one man going to the moon - it will be an entire nation." The U.S. an...