
Is Yours Safe?
Is Yours Safe?
Is Yours Safe?
We all want to believe that when we buy food from the store, we are getting healthy stuff that's good for our bodies. But a recent study says that might not be the case for some baby food on the shelves.
It Went Airborne!
It Went Airborne!
It Went Airborne!
It was a scary sight out on Niagara Falls Blvd. when a inflatable bounce house with kids inside, went airborne. The incident happened at the MAiZE out on the Boulevard Sunday afternoon whe nthe bounce house went up and over about 50 feet from it's original location from the high winds over the weekend. ...
Dad Dresses Up!
Dad Dresses Up!
Dad Dresses Up!
The first day of school can be stressful. What's my teacher going to be like? How hard is this grade going to be? This dad has a great way to take his kids' minds off of all that stress.
Sweet Buffalo Rocks
Sweet Buffalo Rocks
Sweet Buffalo Rocks
Looking for an activity to keep you and your kids busy this summer?  Check out the "Sweet Buffalo Rocks" campaign on Facebook.
Before You Lock
Before You Lock
Before You Lock
Do you know what the leading cause of non-crash-related fatalities for children 14 and younger is?  According to The Administration For Children And Families, it's heatstroke and it can be prevented.
Preschool Teacher?
Preschool Teacher?
Preschool Teacher?
Would you trust your kids with this man?  Maybe you should.  He looks like he would have been a really good teacher (aside from a little spilled paint). Richie Incognito is one of the fiercest people on the football field.  He's big, he's intimidating, and for at least a few hours he was in charge of a bunch of kids at Doodlebugs.  How did he d...
Top Baby Names
Top Baby Names
Top Baby Names
It's always interesting to see the changes in top baby names in the United States year after year. Nameberry has released their list for 2017! Olivia has taken the top spot for the second year in a row. In 2015, Charlotte took the top spot for baby girls...
Before They Turn 11
Before They Turn 11
Before They Turn 11
I saw a list today from an educational website called Into Film, that listed the 50 movies your kids should see before they turn 11.  While I understand that  the list could only have 50 films on it, I had some that I thought should have made that list.
Touch A Truck
Touch A Truck
Touch A Truck
If you've got a little kid in your life that loves trucks, they're going to love this event.  It's Explore & More's Touch A Truck event at Canalside.
Shooting Lessons
Shooting Lessons
Shooting Lessons
Gooood Morning! This was too good not to share! The video is captioned "when you leave the baby with dad" and the video shows a toddler in his diaper standing next to dad who decided to give him some lessons on gun practices. Dad even makes sure to remind the toddler that you never aim the gun at anyone else, but the best part of this is when the baby tries to put the gun in his diaper a

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