The Real Housewife of Brooklyn

The Real Housewife Of Brooklyn Is Getting Her Own Show [VIDEO]
The Real Housewife Of Brooklyn Is Getting Her Own Show [VIDEO]
The Real Housewife Of Brooklyn Is Getting Her Own Show [VIDEO]
JoAnn from Bensonhurst is well known to viewers in the New York City area for her video segments on the Fox affiliate in the big apple. Her "City Rants" are quite popular because JoAnn says a lot of the things we would all like to say but maybe are a little bit afraid to do so...
The Real Housewife From Brooklyn Rants On Kim Kardashians 72 Day Marriage [VIDEO]
The Real Housewife From Brooklyn Rants On Kim Kardashians 72 Day Marriage [VIDEO]
The Real Housewife From Brooklyn Rants On Kim Kardashians 72 Day Marriage [VIDEO]
Maybe I am one of the only Americans in this country who does not understand the Kardashians? Forgive me, what talents do these girls posess? They don't sing. They don't act. They don't dance. What makes them so special? They get paid millions of dollars to endorse products merely because they have their own reality show...
The Real Housewife Of Brooklyn Speaks Out On Marriage [VIDEO]
The Real Housewife Of Brooklyn Speaks Out On Marriage [VIDEO]
The Real Housewife Of Brooklyn Speaks Out On Marriage [VIDEO]
JoAnn from Bensonhurst is back and this time she is ranting about the institution of marriage. Anyone who has been married for a long time can identify with some of the things she is talking about in this clip. Do you think she has a point? I think most women can relate to this...