At this point in his career, there shouldn’t be much cause for behind-the-scenes drama when it comes to Tom Cruise movies. Cruise wants to star in another Jack Reacher movie? Pay the man. Cruise wants to play a special forces operative fighting a centuries-old mummy? Pay the man. Cruise wants to release a movie where all he does is run for two hours? By all that is holy and good in this world, pay the man!
There were not many ways to get me excited in a Mummy reboot, the first in a planned series of connected movies linking The Wolfman, Dracula, Frankenstein and more, but Universal has found a way. Tom Cruise is in talks to star in The Mummy and is expected to take a major role in developing the new monster universe.
Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation was one of the best M:I outings yet, thanks in no small part to Christopher McQuarrie’s script and direction, as well as Rebecca Ferguson’s kick-ass supporting role. Paramount clearly recognizes a good thing when they’ve got it, as the studio is reportedly in talks with McQuarrie to return to both write and direct Mission: Impossible 6, with the option for Ferguson to reprise her role, if she wants it.
Val Kilmer has taken to his personal Facebook page to post a Top Gun 2 status update with ramifications on a scale that we can only describe as tectonic.
Edge of Tomorrow — the best summer blockbuster of 2014 — may have underwhelmed at the domestic box office, but it’s difficult to find anyone who actually watched it who didn’t have a great time with it. So when Tom Cruise starts teasing a potential sequel that will reunite him and Emily Blunt for another round of time-traveling, alien-shooting, heavy-armor-wearing, yoga-posing awesomeness, our ears perk up. Yes please, we would like an Edge of Tomorrow 2.
Paramount really wants you to see Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation and they’re nudging you in the ribs using the most effective marketing tactic in the history of marketing tactics...they’re giving you free stuff. Specifically, they’re giving you free digital copies of the first four Mission: Impossible movies, reminding you that this series has been 75% good and that you should start getting excited for the new one.
Mission: Impossible is a pretty action-packed film. But, for all its action, would you believe that Tom Cruise’s Ethan Hawke never once fires a gun? Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to check out the rest of the facts packed into the latest episode of You Think You Know Movies, which focuses on the original Mission: Impossible!
Who would have thought that it was ever going to end between Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes after his now famous couch jumping moment on Oprah? It's true though. According to ABC News, the couple has decided to split after just under six years together.