Leave it to comedian Will Ferrell to come up with what he thinks today's Santa Claus should be. A younger less grandpa like Santa LOL.
He visited the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon to show us
Maybe you didn’t realize how much you missed Will Ferrell’s George W. Bush impression on SNL until the actor popped in for a surprise appearance during the cold open, delivering a State of the Union address on our current crop of GOP presidential hopefuls — which is essentially just Ferrell’s Dubbya roasting his fellow Republicans in an attempt to make an unprecedented bid for a third term as POTUS.
Cult comedies that attempt to regroup for a sequel many years after the original film often have mixed success. You’ll probably find few people who like Anchorman 2 or Dumb and Dumber To as much as the originals. But, that hasn’t stopped Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson from returning for Zoolander 2 and, despite the odds, this actually looks really funny.
After earning huge laughs with their whiskey-and-water dynamic in 2010's The Other Guys, Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell reteam for a comedy that puts a hilarious spin on the emotional fallout of divorce.
Last week brought an appropriately silly-seeming first look at Will Ferrell and Kristen Wiig’s surprise Lifetime movie A Deadly Adoption, though the full trailer paints a decidedly different picture. The spoof is subtler, but just what kind of movie will A Deadly Adoption turn out to be?
Individually, Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart are undeniably hilarious guys. Bringing two major comedic forces together on the big screen just makes sense on both a commercial and entertainment level. Unfortunately, Get Hard largely squanders the talents of Ferrell and Hart on an outdated premise with tired jokes, delivering what essentially amounts to one overlong joke about the terrors of prison rape.
It's hard top Emma Stone, Blake Shelton and John Krasinki but I think they may have done it. You know its good when Will Ferrell starts with "Queen Bae."
'Anchorman' actor Will Ferrell was on the wrong side of a security pile last night at the Lakers-Pelicans game in New Orleans after making a drunken spectacle of himself and throwing a ball directly at a cheerleader's face.
There’s no consensus on what the best Christmas movie of all-time is, but ‘Elf‘ would have to be up there with the best of them. Released in 2003, the film has gone on to become a bonafide classic, watched as many times over the holidays as ‘A Christmas Story’ or ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’. Do you share an affinity for elf culture? Now you can test your ‘Elf’ knowledge with the latest installment of You Think You Know Movies!
Although 'Anchorman 2' wasn't groundbreaking at the box office even being a more moderately budgeted comedy, it did make significantly more than its beloved 2004 predecessor. So, could there be an 'Anchorman 3' somewhere down the line? As far as co-writer and director Adam McKay is concerned ... No. Never. Ever.
There are a handful of extremely funny, laugh-out-loud moments in 'Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues.' One happens early – the reveal that David Koechner now runs a cut-rate fast-food joint that saves money by serving fried bats (or, as he calls it, “chicken of the cave"). Another is a retread from the first film – a battle royale of news teams from various networks, but this time even more