
Top Wine Cities
Top Wine Cities
Top Wine Cities
Is it ever not National Wine Day? I guess if we're going by official days we have to call today Nation Wine Day and while most enjoy the comforts of their own homes or patios there are cities that are ideal for celebrating this holiday. Infogroup decided to find out the Top 10 Wine Cities to Celebrate National Wine Day With these studies you always wonder just how objective they are because someti
Genesis Wine Preserver
Genesis Wine Preserver
Genesis Wine Preserver
I’m not really sure who might do this, but if you’ve ever stopped yourself from opening a bottle of wine because you only want “just one glass,” self restraint will no longer be necessary with this new gadget.
Buffalo Brewing!
Buffalo Brewing!
Buffalo Brewing!
I started making my own wine and it started off just trying it once to doing it every season because it is actually kind of fun to do. I'll end up having everyone over at my house and we'll have nights dedicated to just drinking the wine. ...
The Perfect Pair
The Perfect Pair
The Perfect Pair
Everyone is always trying to make something that's great even better.  For example, we all know that Girl Scout Cookies are incredible.  So what could make them better?  Pair them with wine.
Zac's New Wine
Zac's New Wine
Zac's New Wine
One of the things that I've always admired about Zac Brown aside from his musicianship is how much of a business man he is.  He has a brand and he is very careful about the products that he uses to represent that brand. He goes from music to leather products, cook books and sauces to his latest adventure.  This time it's wine.
Beer + Wine Home Brewing Laws in New York
Beer + Wine Home Brewing Laws in New York
Beer + Wine Home Brewing Laws in New York
Now, you may even taste a few beers that at one point got their start in someone's basement and eventually developed into a massively produced beer. We're lucky to be able to produce our own beer and wine at our homes in New York, but, of course, there are some restrictions...

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