The 30-hour coffin challenge was such a success last October, that Six Flags Darien Lake is bringing back the challenge this year.

The challenge is precisely what you would think -- last 30 hours in a coffin. Six participants will try and last 30 hours in coffins while getting frightened and freaked out at random times!

Each participant will receive one phone and bathroom break every three hours, for 10 minutes at a time. Three meals will also be provided.

The top contestant will receive $600, a 2020 Golden Season Pass and a 2019 Fright Fest All Season Maze Pass.

The 30-hour coffin challenge will happen on Friday, October 11th at 6 a.m. It ends on Saturday, October 12th at 12 p.m.

Darien Lake's Fright Fest will also have a new haunted maze called "Corridors of Chaos" has been added to the mix for Fright Fest 2019.

To read the full story visit WKBW.

To register for the 30-hour coffin challenge, visit Darien Lake's website.

The prize package is really cool...but I don't think I'd be able to do this one...


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