Dream Job Alert: Become a Pizza Scientist…Seriously It’s A Real Opening
Everyone has that one dream job, for me, it would have to involve food. When I saw this opening, I almost put in my two weeks notice...It turns out that a "pizza scientist" is a real job, and a real company right here in Buffalo is looking to fill the position!
Hiring716 posted the job up on their site, from Buffalo company Rich products, explaining what the job entails, as well as what the requirements are to be considered. You most definitely have to have a passion for pizza, but that's not the only thing that will get you an interview.
The "pizza scientist" isn't exactly the name of the position, even though I think it should be, it's actually called a "Product Development Scientist". Some of the requirements include a Bachelor's degree in chemical engineering or a master's in food science along with 6+ years of product development experience. Looks like I better keep my day job.
From WKBW and Hiring716, You can learn more about the position, and even apply here