George Feeney From Boy Meets World Congratulates Seniors at North Tonawanda [WATCH]
If you grew up on 90's television, then you surely remember George Feeney -- the fictional teacher character in the popular TV show, Boy Meets World.
Feeney was portrayed by actor William Daniels and is one of the most beloved TV characters of the generation that grew up on his words of wisdom and love for his students.
In a surreal video, William Daniels (aka: George Feeney), congratulated the student class of 2020 at North Tonawanda High, really!
Check out the video message below.
How amazing is that!?!
Congratulations to the Class of 2020 and North Tonawanda and to all the seniors in high school and colleges across Western New York!
The character of George Fenney never grows old.