Local Schools Looking To Install High-Tech Security
Some great news concerning the future safety of students throughout WNY schools! Many local districts are considering following suite after Lockport schools announced their plan to put advanced software technology in their schools. The technology, once set up, will make for a much safer environment for students, staff, as well as help parents rest easier knowing what the school has in place.
According to WGRZ, A bond that was approved in 2014 by voters, allows schools all across New York the ability to tap into the 2 billion dollars set aside. The Smart School Bond Act is allowing districts to improve their current technology and install high-tech video surveillance and emergency notification systems.
Not too long ago we learned that the Lockport School district was one of the first districts to have its security plan not only approved, but also paid for under the bond act. I think every school, no matter the size or location, should make it a point to follow through with this opportunity to better equip our schools with safety features! It seems one problem already concerning some school officials is the time frame its taking to get get the projects completed and paid for by the state..Read the Full Story Here
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