Thanks For Your Generosity at the Fair
The response was incredible. We really didn't know what to expect. But Western New Yorkers always, always come thru when it's for a good cause and there's not a better cause than St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
We were only asking a dollar, but I often saw people open their wallets and put tens and twenties in the donation jar. Some people, especially kids would drop in every coin they had.
In return I would guess their birth month or their weight and unfortunately I made some people, especially women a little angry. It would go something like this....."I think you weigh 145 pounds." "What? Did you hear what he said? 145 pounds? Do I look 145 pounds?" Dale was wrong again.
We were keeping track for a while, but it became so lopsided that after a while it was obvious that I would be kissing a cow for being wrong far more often than not. That event will come soon in a separate video.
But anyway, it was all for a good cause and in the end we raised more than $3,325.00. That was just the cash, plus there was a pile of coins we never got a chance to count. So for a first time out, not bad for such a deserving charity.
Again, our thanks to everyone who came out to the fair and opened up their hearts and their wallets. Your generosity is appreciated by so many.