This New Sponge Candy Beer Looks Amazing [PHOTO]
I was going through the beer selection at my local grocery store, when I came upon some great options from Ellicottville Brewing Company, such as the brand new Oops! All Berries fruit sour beer that debuted a week ago (it's delicious, by the way).
I wanted to find out more and made an awesome discovery. A new limited edition beer made by Ellicottville Brewing Company that was released in March, but somehow missed my radar -- and perhaps yours as well.
It's a Buffalo--style beer through and through.
Sponge Candy Ale!
According to their website, the beer is a limited-edition for the spring, but there are locations you can find the beer on their website.
Sponge candy is my all-time favorite candy and it paired with beer sounds awesome. I'm a little adventurous when it comes to alcoholic beverages, so this would be something I would try in a heartbeat.
Find out more here. Has anyone seen this?