Just a month ago, a record bust went down at the Peace Bridge coming into the United States, Monday another huge bust can be credited to the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers at the Port of Buffalo.

If you've ever been pulled over for an extra examination at the border, you know how concerning it can feel.  Normally, if you have nothing to hide, it can be a quick and harmless process.  But if you're carrying around 3500 pounds of marijuana, it's going to make for a much less pleasant experience.

That's what CBP Officers discovered in a shipment on Monday, August 10th at the Peace Bridge when they decided to pull a shipment over for further examination.  The shipment was described as 7 skids of lighting.  But after digging into the skids, instead they found numerous cardboard boxes that had been filled with vacuum-sealed packages of marijuana.

According to a press release from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, there was 3,836 lbs. of marijuana in the bags with an estimated street value of more than $8 million dollars.

Since October 1, 2019 ports within the Buffalo Field Office have made over 1,500 narcotic seizures totaling more than 27,000 pounds.


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