
Are American’s “Hornier” Than Europeans?
Are American’s “Hornier” Than Europeans?
Are American’s “Hornier” Than Europeans?
We talked about a story we found about how Americans use their horn on their vehicles for more than an alert alarm. According to, •In North America, customers use their horns less often than elsewhere in the world – typically as a way to greet neighbors and locate their vehicles in parking lots.
Chevy vs Ford: Did I Jinx Myself?
Chevy vs Ford: Did I Jinx Myself?
Chevy vs Ford: Did I Jinx Myself?
It wasn't the best way to get a morning started. As I was driving to work today, my truck decided to have an "episode." Doesn't it figure that when things are going to happen, they are going to happen at the absolute worst time!
What Was Your First Car?
What Was Your First Car?
What Was Your First Car?
Last week we asked our Facebook fans what their first car was.  I knew when we posted this that we would get a huge response. We are all very attached to our first car whether it was a junker or a cherry ride. here are some of the post you submitted. ...