
[Video] Are We, As Americans, Too Lazy To Squirt Our Own Ketchup?
[Video] Are We, As Americans, Too Lazy To Squirt Our Own Ketchup?
[Video] Are We, As Americans, Too Lazy To Squirt Our Own Ketchup?
Remember the good ole days when people used to get up to turn the TV channel, cook a meal on the stove (as opposed to the microwave) and manually put condiments on hot dogs!!   Man, I remember...I remember.  This video takes American laziness to the next level.....Check it.....
Yet Another Funny Animal Video !
Yet Another Funny Animal Video !
Yet Another Funny Animal Video !
Ok...3 days in a row of this......Yes !!  They keep on popping up, people like 'em (I think) and penguins are cute.  Check out the overreaction by the seal....and pardon the awful play-by-play given by the videographer :)
[VIDEO] Poor Lil Pug  :(
[VIDEO] Poor Lil Pug :(
[VIDEO] Poor Lil Pug :(
This poor little pug tries his/her hardest to move this volleyball.  I hope the owner came to the rescue.  Check it out......
[VIDEO] Cat In The Hat !!!
[VIDEO] Cat In The Hat !!!
[VIDEO] Cat In The Hat !!!
I saw this short, sweet and funny video the other day and I wanted to share it with ya.  I'm not a cat person, but animal lovers in general will get a kick out of this .  This cat not only "rocks" the hat, but he "owns" it too.  If ya know what I mean......check it......