5 Christmas Songs That Make Every Western New Yorker Cry
The holiday season is usually a rather jolly time of the year, but for some people, it is just a reminder of what they don’t have or how much has changed (not to be a Debby downer, but it’s true).
This time of year makes you a little more sensitive, even if you don’t like to admit it, and that’s why I shared this post recently on Facebook.
“A heart is more tender around the holidays. Be kind -- especially now.”
Some people seem to forget that not everyone is having the most “holly, jolly” time of year, whether it be due to a recent loss of a loved one, insufficient funds to make their kids’ Christmas extra special, or a food shortage affecting one’s search for the holiday turkey.
With everyone being a little more sensitive this time of year, it can make you get emotional and (sometimes) cry at things that normally wouldn’t have affected you before.
For me, it’s the song “I’ll Be Home For Christmas”. I was driving down Niagara Street yesterday when the song came on the radio, and before I knew it, I was crying. I think it has something to do with the fact that I just moved to the great state of New York in July, and all the Christmas movies have me concerned that my flight to reunite with all my family members in another state will be canceled (knock on wood it isn’t).
The lyric “If only in my dreams” kills me though.
And with this somewhat-sad Christmas song being the cause of my tears, I couldn’t help but wonder what holiday song makes other Western New Yorkers cry.