7 Important Things To Know Before You Go To The Erie County Fair
How is it already this time of the year again? The Erie County Fair is getting underway today and although the weather is kind of crummy, there is a lot to look forward to.
We go to the fair every year for mandatory deep fried oreos, deep fried tacos, Chiavetta's, check out the 4H barns, and go to a concert or two. Of course, things are a little different because of COVID, but I was getting ready to go visit the Erie County Fair today, I learned few things that I thought were important to pass along. Not only were they important, but they can save you a few bucks, too!
The opening day is today, Wednesday, August 11 and the Fair will go all the way through August 22. What time will the Erie County Fair be open? The Erie County Fair is open from 11 in the morning until 11 at night every day except opening day, which has gates opening up at noon!
ALSO, some of our favorite and most important days at the Fair: Veterans and Firefighter Days. Admission is free for those who serve on these days.
FIREFIGHTERS DAY - Friday, August 13th
VETERANS DAY - Sunday, August 15th
What about parking?! All lots have accessible parking, however, the best lots to use are:
Lot 4 off South Park and Lot 5 off of Clark Street
Here are 7 important things that you should know before you go to the Erie County Fair!