2017 was an exciting year in Buffalo! We saw so many new additions, but 2018 might even be able to top it. Lets take a look at some of the businesses that are coming to town in the next few months!

  • Getty Images
    Getty Images

    Ziplining Downtown

    In May 2018 Riverworks is getting ready to open its long anticipated zip lining course going right along the river and above Madusa's Kitchen (the beer grove at Riverworks).

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    Hofbrauhaus Buffalo

    Can't wait for this one. If you've ever been to the Waldfest, this is going to be a treat. Pure German ethnic foods, music and good beer. Get ready to have some fun!

    Opening: Spring

  • Joe Belanger
    Joe Belanger

    The Buffalo Wing Trail

    I figured this should be first on the list. Visit Buffalo Niagara is coming up with a bar crawl but for wings--genius! The organization is looking for recommendations.

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    Root + Bloom Plant Based Café & Market

    An all plant based cafe is coming to Elmwood later this Summer! The fully plant based, vegan restaurant will open right behind Thinking Elvish Fantasy Chocolate on Elmwood. 

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    Silo City Bar

    Silo City is gearing up for a new bar + restaurant and sculpture garden to be in place by the end of the year.

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    The Barton House Restoration

    The first phase of the long restoration at the Darwin Martin Complex is underway with the Barton house up next and will be completed this Summer.

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    Buffalo spoke. They listened. Expect the chain to open very late in 2018 by the Galleria Mall first.

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