If you like spending time in the kitchen and can't possibly eat all that food yourself, there's an organization that can put your time and talents in touch with a neighbor in need.
Recently I wa scrolling on Facebook and saw my friend Erika posting photos of pans of lasagna. But these weren't for her to keep, she was now a "Lasagna Mama."
The organization is called Lasagna Love, and anyone in the community who needs a warm, home-cooked meal (and who wants lasagna) can sign up to receive a lasagna sent to them.
Whether they've been affected by COVID, loss of job, or they just need a home cooked love meal, lots of folks are in need.
My friend signed up just a couple of weeks ago and was matched right away to people in her community.
"So Sunday we got cooking and I made a couple pans of lasagna, and dropped them off," she said.
"It's pretty great organization."
People can also make donations to help offset the costs of volunteers' cooking supplies.
And if you're new at making lasagna, here's a great tip:
Use no boil, oven ready noodles.
"It's pretty easy to use and it still yield great results," directly from my lasagna mama.
To get involved click here for more information.