Buffalo, New York is the pizza capital of the world.

At least judging by these numbers that is what we are dubbing ourselves.

Buffalo, New York, has 17.8 pizza restaurants per 100,000 residents — the highest rate of any city and more than double the national average of 8.4 per 100,000", according to ListWithClever.com. Now, Buffalo ranks at the top of the list for pizzerias per capita, more pizzerias per person than any other city in America, but what about the world? It HAS TO be a world record. Nobody eats more pizza than the United States, even Italy

Buffalo scored a 92 out of 100 in our pizza passion metric based on local Google search activity, which is 28% higher than the average city's score of 72.

Buffalo had a chance to earn the No. 1 spot overall but was hurt by low affordability. Buying a weekly cheese pizza costs typical residents 1.91% of their annual income — 30% more than the average city's cost of 1.47%.

There are so many good pizzerias in Western New York, but people tend to always go what they are familiar with. What is your go-to pizza place around Buffalo?

READ MORE: A local pizzeria has made headlines because they gave all of their employees a bonus in their checks because they worked hard in the heat when Western New York had temperatures around 90 degrees.

Check out this stat, too. Buffalo is the top google-searcher when it comes to pizza. Western New York searches for these specialty pizzas more than anyone in the United States:

  • brick oven pizza
  • breakfast pizza
  • taco pizza
  • tomato pie

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Gallery Credit: Megan Carter

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