It's rare that Dale, Liz and I get to be together for dinner. It's even more rare that they get to enjoy a dinner with Hank! We finally put it all together at the Lake Erie Beach FD fish fry last week!

On this week's episode of Hangin' with Hank, Hank and I traveled to meet Dale and Liz for dinner. Without question, Lake Erie Beach FD has one of the best fish frys around. A big thank you to the Chief and all the volunteers that work hard every week putting this on!

It's not easy to eat dinner and try to entertain a 9 month old. Hank has been growing so fast and it has been awhile since Uncle Dale and Aunt Liz have had a chance to see Hank.

Not only has Hank grown in size. He has also learned to be a wee bit more active. I gave Dale a heads up that Hank is more busy these days and can be a handful. As most new moms and dads will tell you, it can sometimes be a challenge getting a baby to stay calm and quiet while others are eating around you. Elizabeth and I take shifts even at home when we have dinner. While one is eating, the other is trying to entertain Hank or feed him in his highchair.

Dale offered to take a shift while I devoured that delicious Lenten fish!!

Check out Hanging with Hank-Episode 5....Dinner with Uncle Dale. Big thanks to Liz Mantel for taking time from her first fish fry ever to film this!


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