Here’s A List Of The Worst Toys For 2017
Normally you're looking for the "hot toys" of the year to try and get a jump start on shopping. However, sometimes it's not the hot toys that you should be looking out for but the worst toys. The group World Against Toys Causing Harm, a.k.a. W.A.T.C.H, has released their annual list of the “10 Worst Toys,” items that could potentially hurt the kids who they are made for.
Toys making this year’s list include:
- Wonder Woman Battle Sword – potential for blunt force injuries
- Spider-man Spider-Drone – potential for eye and body impact injuries
- Hallmark’s “Itty Bittys” Baby Stacking Toy –potential choking hazard
- Pull Along Pony – potential for strangulation and entanglement injuries
- Hand Fidget Spinners – potential for choking injuries
- Nerf Zombie Strike Deadbolt Crossbow – potential for eye injuries
- Slackers Slackline Classic Series Kit – potential for strangulation and fall-related injuries
- Oval Xylophone – potential for ingestion and choking injuries
- Jets Heel Wheels – potential for blunt impact and fire-related burn injuries
- Brianna Babydoll – potential for choking injuries
If these toys were on your kids Christmas list it doesn't mean you have to immediately take it off the list. It's important to research and hear all sides before making a decision. The Toy Association says this list is “needlessly frightening,” however, they do caution parents to pay attention to the suitable age range listed on the package. At the end of the day you are the one making the decision but lists like this are good reminder to make sure you are looking for potential hazards in anything you buy.
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