The 10 Most Obvious Tweets From the Hurricane Sandy Twitter
It seems to be tradition that whenever a major hurricane is bearing down on NYC and the rest of the Eastern seaboard, memes and spoof Twitter accounts will invariable pop up. However, the funniest Twitter account for the Frankenstorm, aka Hurricane Sandy is run by Elijah Daniel and will keep you laughing long after the storm moves away from your area.
Of course, like any good topical (and let's be honest, most likely short-lived) Twitter account, the Hurricane Sandy Twitter hits the usual joke buttons. Take a look at some of the most obvious tweets below.
Political Humor
Political humor is appropriate in this case, especially since Election Day is looming before us on November 6th and Mitt Romney has already said he would cut FEMA because he thinks it is "immoral." Guess Sandy will be voting for Obama, huh?
Case of the Mondays
No one likes going into work or school on Mondays, but dealing with a historic "Frankenstorm" on a Monday, especially the Monday right before Halloween? Now that's a nightmare of epic proportions!
Power Outages
For the technology-lovin' generation especially, a loss of power would be catastrophic because you know, heaven forbid anyone read actual books anymore. And no, reading on your Nook, Kindle, or iPad doesn't count. Sorry, guys.
Gangam Style Parodies
What new Internet meme or spoof Twitter account would be complete without trying to get a giggle out of viewers by parodying Psy's "Gangam Style?" Oh well, at least no one attempted to dress up as the Hurricane and perform the dance routine on YouTube yet. (Emphasis on "yet.")
Hurricane Playlists
Because the proper thing to do during a storm is either play Baby Bash's 'Cyclone' or 'Rock You Like a Hurricane' while you ride out the heavy winds and rain. Gotta love the technology-junkie generation!
Olive Garden Jokes
Although any true Italian-American would recoil in horror from the thought of even walking by one of these popular chain restaurants, free food is always welcome in a nasty storm.
Wet T-Shirt Jokes
Because what natural disaster would be complete without taking a snarky jab at the ridiculous wet t-shirt contests that sleazy bars are oh-so-prone to throwing? Plus, wet t-shirt equals boobs, so this is also a breast joke. Two-for-one!
Swag Jokes
Because even a Frankenstorm has to have "swag", apparently. No wonder Sandy made a beeline for the Jersey Shore before she even attempted to hit NYC and the rest of the Northeast.
Justin Timberlake Jokes
Thankfully, even Hurricane Sandy knows that most of the lyrics in Justin Timberlake's song 'Sexyback' are ridiculous. Perhaps this is a sign that she is a Backstreet Boys fan. Still, we couldn't get a more current song ? 'Sexyback' is like six years old.
Snarky Comments About Dell and Adele
Okay, we like this one. Even hurricanes appreciate a good Adele pun apparently.
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