Last Chance For Doe Permits In New York State
If you plan to deer hunt this season and would like to take a doe, you are running out of time to obtain a doe permit.
The New York State Department of Conservation announced and reminded hunters that there will be a sale of leftover DMU permits this weekend.
I have been hunting every year since I was 14 years old. Over time, I have lost the time to spend in the woods that I used to have. below is a picture of the buck I got last weekend with my bow! It is the biggest one I have gotten in along time!
Things get busy as you get older and that has been the case in the past for many other hunters. However, this season, a record amount of hunting licenses have been sold. If you hunt this fall, no doubt you will be seeing more and more hunters in the woods. Be patient and follow all of the rules and guidelines. Also, be aware of property lines and borders. Trespassers are probably the biggest frustration of any hunter.
Each year, I try to take at least one doe out of the heard where I hunt. It not only helps to fill our freezer, but I believe it helps to maintain herd health and size.