Little Big Town: 10 Little-Known Facts About the Country Quartet
There is no denying that Little Big Town are one of the most recognizable groups in modern country music. Karen Fairchild, Kimberly Schlapman, Phillip Sweet and Jimi Westbrook are riding high these days -- but they have weathered some strong storms to get to where they are.
Throughout the years, Little Big Town have seen each other through tremendous losses and setbacks: the death of a loved one and a failed record deal, for example. There's an obvious connection among the four of them, but what might not be so obvious are these 10 facts about the country quartet.
Did you know that Little Big Town used to include some of the members of Rascal Flatts? Or that the ever-fabulous Fairchild was an all-star softball pitcher? One member even won a modeling competition when he was 18! Read on to learn what other secrets the "Pontoon" singers are holding (Hint: They involve high school superlatives and powderpuff football):
WATCH: Unforgettable Little Big Town Moments