Names And History Of Parishes Released Of Accused Catholic Priests
A bombshell was dropped at a press conference this afternoon when a list of the names of 13 Catholic priests who had been accused of sexual abuse was released.
I will say before I go any further that I grew up in the Catholic Church. I went to Catholic School, I was an altar boy, I was very active in the church. I never experienced any abuse from any priests, nuns, or teachers.
I tell you this because my experience was not of abuse, or scandal. Mine was of a positive learning environment and I don't want to paint the picture that all priests are bad.
However, when abuse happens, it should not be covered up or swept under the rug. When victims are abused, they should feel safe to report it and warn others about them. They should be taken seriously and it should be looked into.
That is why this list is so interesting to me. It is a list of 13 priests that have been accused of sexual abuse and the parishes that they served in provided by a law firm called Jeff Anderson & Associates. The firm is well known for their role in exposing church sex abuse.
According to WKBW, the list was dropped at a press conference at the Hyatt Regency today.
Click here to see the entire list as well as a map to where the priests served.