Good Chance For Snow On This Date In Buffalo, New York
The summer of 2022 has been so much fun and there are still some great events to look forward to. As the Erie County Fair begins this week, the heat and humidity seem to be scaling back a bit. For some, when the Erie County Fair arrives, it signals the unofficial end of the summer.
But as hot as it has been this year across New York State, what can we expect for the fall weather? There are reports that it will be a colder and snowier than normal year. Historically speaking, if you were to bet on the date that we will see the first snow fly in Buffalo, there is one to circle on your calander.
According to the National Weather Service in Buffalo records, on average, the first snow will fly in October.
AVERAGE First Flake Oct 24
The earliest that a first flake of snow has been recorded was back on September 20, 1956.
What does that mean for us? Those of us who grew up and have lived in Western New York know that things can change quickly when it comes to weather. If you start thinking winter after the end of the Erie County Fair it may be a good idea. With Lake Erie to our west, there is always lake effect snow to be aware of and be ready for. Who could forget the "October Surprise" storm that slammed the Southtowns and South Buffalo mid-October?
I hate to see summer end. Especially since we have had the best summer since the pandemic began in 2020. But there is something very special about the late summer and transition to cooler weather and the fall here in Buffalo. The best advice is to be prepared.