animal noises

Girl Laughs Like A Seal!! [VIDEO]
Girl Laughs Like A Seal!! [VIDEO]
Girl Laughs Like A Seal!! [VIDEO]
Is it just me or do some people's laughs...make you laugh?  It happens only once in a while, but when I hear a silly sounding laughter is off to the races.  This one is funny, not knee-slapping funny, but funny!  Check it out........ S...
Girl Does 18 Animal Impressions [Video]
Girl Does 18 Animal Impressions [Video]
Girl Does 18 Animal Impressions [Video]
So I'm sitting here watching this video and thinking to myself, "how bored must she get throughout her life that she's perfected sounds like the 'american robin'?"  Then I bored must I be to be sitting here watching her.  I bet it comes in handy on first dates...then again....maybe not.